The ‘Red’ Tunator®

Unfolding the tonal space through an innovative construction.

“I‘m not manufacturing mere cabinets, but individual sound units.”

The Sound Casing

The basis for a body of sound is the casing. The construction of the cabinet was therefore completely rethought and revised. The craftsmanship is of high quality and extremely massive and also completely ‘Made In Germany‘.

The Speaker

Essentially  you can get any Kammler Tunator® Cabinet fitted with the speaker of your choice. Regardless of whether you prefer classic types of speakers from Celestion or Jensen, or you want modern designs from Scumback, Austin Speaker Works or Tone Tubby or you have a completely custom fitting in mind: We are here to help and advise you.


The Tunator

In the Kammler Tunator® Cabinet, the individually dampened and framed speaker is connected to the surrounding housing casing. The magnetic driver is additionally fixed by the Tunator® and set into the middle of the housing casing.

The individual fine tuning, the ‘tuning’ of the vibration characteristics of the cabinet, can be done mechanically by the tension unit.

A substantial part of the design of the Kammler Tunator® Cabinets has been granted a patent by the European Patent Office (EPO). The ‘Tunator’ is protected by patent and trademark.

The Result

The fusion of surface (case) and core (Speaker/Tunator) to an almost uniformly complete vibrating unit with considerably dampened resonance antinodes inside the cabinet.

Clarity, warmth, speed and spatial presence of the sound are all outstanding properties of Kammler Tunator® Cabinets.

Both live and during studio recordings my 1×12″ Kammler Tunator® Cabinet sounds extremely transparent, warm and space filling – without cutting or dull interference frequencies with which our guitarist guild has frequently faced with. The cabinet seems to me like an acoustic magnifying glass that can mercilessly depict all weaknesses and strengths of amps and other gear. You hear, that here is not simply bolted a membrane into a housing: Here an intense audiophile research has taken place.
Peer Frenzke, 1st Class Session; Petersbergstudio
Read more about the philosophy of 'Kammler Cabinets'…


Review in ‘Gitarre & Bass’